Tips to Creating a Great Restaurant Menu

March 9, 2018 — Cloudwaitress

A lot can be said about a restaurant by its menu, a sloppy and messy menu can give your customers a bad first impression that will keep them away from your restaurant. Here are some simple tips to follow when creating the best menu possible.

A lot can be said about a restaurant by its menu, a sloppy and messy menu can give your customers a bad first impression that will keep them away from your restaurant. Here are some simple tips to follow when creating the best menu possible.

Appropriate Size

A menu does not need to be gigantic, nobody wants a huge poster on their table. It’s simply not practical and does not look professional. Your menu can’t be tiny either, nobody should need a magnifying glass just to find what they want to have for lunch. Your menu should be big enough for people of all age groups to be able to see all your items.

Get Professional Help

Not all restaurant owners have a good eye for designing. Getting a designer will help you make sure your menu is as appealing as possible. Many customers eat with their eyes before their mouth so if you want to include pictures of your food get a professional photographer, a professional food photographer can help make your food look as delicious as possible. Being a hands-on owner is a good thing but sometimes you have to sit back and let the professionals do their job.

Organise Your Menu Practically

Your customers are hungry, they don’t want to go on a hunt just to find what they should eat. Your best selling dishes should be front and center so that new customers know what to eat. Drinks and beverages should be in one part of the menu and dishes should be on the other. Don’t confuse your customers.

Short and Sweet

Your menu should not be a billion pages, don’t describe every dish with every bit of detail. Nobody has time to read an article about your turkey sandwich, make your descriptions brief and straightforward. If you have different categories of food (eg: vegan) make a different menu. You don’t need to cram the main menu, vegan menu and kids menu in one booklet.

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